Reduce Cost of Ownership

Sample Configuration of a Current ‘state of the art’ DNS Solution

One DNS system « state of the art » will deliver a DNS traffic of 1Mrps.

To deliver a DNS request throughput of 150 Mrps the investment needs is about:

  • 150 independent systems (average cost of $ 4,000 each),
  • One load balancer per systems (assumption based on F5 solutions costs about $20,000)
  • Overhead costs (square feet, power supply, management and security) estimated to be circa 20% of total costs.

Total estimated costs would result in:

Systems   :150 * $ 4k
(2 links 10Gbps each
=  $   600,000
Load balancer (F5) : 150 * $ 20k =  $ 3,000,000
TOverhead costs  (20%) =  $   720,000
Total cost =  $ 4,320,000

with the “state of the art” solution the total investment required to drive 150 Mrps is $4.320,000; the average per Mprs cost in this configuration is
$ 28,800 /Mrps

dnRunner Benchmark Configuration

The equipment used for dnRunner’s benchmark delivers throughput performance of 150 GBPS

One system (four E7-4890 v2 ) =$ 40,000
Overhead costs              (20%) =$     800
Total cost =$ 40,800


with dnRunner the investment amount required to drive 150 Mrps is $ 40,800; the average per Mrps cost of using this configuration for dnRunner is $ 320 /Mrps


Cost of Ownership Comparison Charts

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Based on dnRunner’s performances that were  controlled  by a benchmark , an estimated of savings for an Internet player who needs to deliver traffic of 1000 Mrps the total investment savings could reach $28,500.000.